All MegaMan Games Collection (PC)
Posted On Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at by Unknown
This is the list of games included:
Classic series
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman 4
Megaman 5
Megaman 6
Megaman 7
Megaman & Bass
Megaman Soccer
Megaman I
Megaman II
Megaman III
Megaman IV
Megaman V
Megaman The Wily Wars
Megaman The Power Battle
Megaman The Power Fighters
Rockman & Forte
Rockman & Forte Challenger from the Future
Rockman Battle & Fighters
X series
Megaman X
Megaman X2
Megaman X3
Megaman Xtreme
Megaman Xtreme 2
Zero series
Megaman Zero
Megaman Zero 2
Megaman Zero 3
Megaman Zero 4
Battle Network series
Megaman Battle Network
Megaman Battle Network 2
Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue
Megaman Battle Network 3 White
Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun
Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon
Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Protoman
Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel
Megaman Battle Chip Challenge
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation
Rockman EXE 6 Faltzer
Rockman EXE 6 Grega
Rockman EXE N1 Battle
Megaman Pong
Megaman X: Rush to Battle
Megaman Evolution
Megaman Battle Network Maps
Megaman X1-3 Password generator
Rocman X
Megaman Classic series
In the year 20XX Dr. Light builds the robot Megaman to stop his former lab assistant Dr. Wily from taking over the world with his robots. In every game Megaman has to defeat 8 Robot Masters (6 in Megaman 1) to gain access to Dr. Wily's fortress. After defeating a Robot Master, Megaman can use his weapon, which is another Robot Master's weakness.
He also gains new allies in every game, Protoman, Roll, Rush, Tango, Eddie, ..., as well as new enemies, Quint, Bass & Trebble, ...
Some screenshots:
Megaman 2

Megaman 6

Megaman 7

Megaman & Bass

Megaman: The Wily Wars

Megaman: The Power Fighters

Megaman III

Megaman X series
In the year 21XX, Dr. Cain finds an underground lab which contains a capsule holding Megaman X.
X is the last robot built by Dr. Lights before his death, he has the ability to think, feel and make his own decisions.
Dr. Light sealed him in a capsule because if X were to turn against humans, he would be the biggest threat ever, so he sealed him away for at least 30 years so that the capsule could purify the system.
Dr. Cain sees the possibilities and based off X's design he builds his own 'Reploids'.
After a while these Reploids go berserk and turn against humanity, they are called Mavericks.
Dr. Cain creates the Maverick Hunters, led by his best Reploid, Sigma.
But when Sigma goes Maverick as well, it is up to X and the mysterious Zero to stop Sigma's rebellion against mankind.
Some Screenshots:
Megaman X

Megaman X2

Megaman X3

Megaman Xtreme

Megaman Zero series
In 22XX Sigma was finally defeated and the Maverick wars ended.
Zero, carrier of the original Maverick Virus decides to lock himself away for 100 years to finally delete the remains of the virus from his body.
Soon after that the Elf wars started, and X was left fighting alone. 100 years later, a girl scientist named Ciel finds the sleeping Zero and wakes him up.
The world has changed drasticly, humans are living in one giant city called Neo Arcadia, every Reploid that doesn't obey their every command is labeled a Maverick and is instantly terminated.
Those falsly accused of being Maverick have created the Resistance and resist Neo Arcadia. Zero, having lost his memory, joins the Resistance to fight for what he thinks is right.
Some screenshots:
Megaman Zero

Megaman Zero 2

Megaman Zero 3

Megaman Zero 4

Megaman Battle Network series
This series is not in the original timeline, it's in a completly different world.
In the year 20XX, everything is connected to the internet, from TVs to closets to pianos, everything.
Everyone is carrying a PET, a device which can be used to phone, send emails, make appointments, ...
A PET can contain a NetNavi, a digital character that lives inside the PET that can communicate with it's operator.
These NetNavis can walk around in the digital world, fight viruses and each other. The WWW, World Three, wants to take over the world by controlling the net with their viruses and their evil NetNavis.
You play as Lan, an 11 year old boy whose NetNavi is Megaman.EXE, he tries to put a stop to the WWW.
Some screenshots:
Megaman Battle Network

Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun

Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Protoman

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